1600 gjenstander tilbake til samiske museer

Bååstede betyr «tilbake» på sørsamisk. I de siste årene er museumsgjenstander fra nordiske nasjonalmuseer blitt levert tilbake til samiske museer. Selve prosessen og erfaringene er beskrevet i boka Bååstede. The Return of Sámi Culture Heritage.

(15.03.21) (Republisert 17.03.23) Boka er utgitt på engelsk siden temaet retter seg mot urfolk og land som gjennom historien har utnyttet disse. Her er en kort introduksjon:

The repatriation of cultural heritage is an issue of great interest to many indigenous peoples as well as to countries that were once subject to foreign domination and exploitation.

This book describes one case that has had a positive outcome: the Bååstede project, which resulted in the return of some 1,600 objects originating from the Sámi people in Norway.

In the book, museum experts, many of whom were directly involved in the project, present their opinions and discuss various aspects of the process.

The presentations also point to challenges ahead, as there are still many Sámi objects in collections elsewhere in Europe that should be repatriated.

In a wider perspective, how can the case of the Sámi be of relevance to other indigenous peoples? How can international conventions and national legislation facilitate such requests? The aim of the book is to inspire communities and activists who are engaged in similar issues of return around the world.

Turid Sødal Breistrand, forlagskonsulent

Hjemmeside: https://museumsforlaget.no/produkt/baastede/

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